



class Solution {
    public List<List<Integer>> threeSum(int[] nums) {
        List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length && nums[i] <= 0; ++i) {
            if (i == 0 || nums[i-1] != nums[i]) {
                twoSumII(i, nums, res);
        return res;
    void twoSumII(int i, int[] nums, List<List<Integer>> res) {
        int low = i + 1, high = nums.length - 1;
        while (low < high) {
            int sum = nums[i] + nums[low] + nums[high];
            if ( sum > 0) {
            } else if (sum < 0) {
            } else {
                res.add(Arrays.asList(nums[i], nums[low++], nums[high--]));
                while (low < high && nums[low] == nums[low - 1]) {
  • Time complexity: O(n^2);

  • Sort the array first (Arrays.sort()) and then use two pointers to find the target.

  • Note how to create a new list in Java;

  • Note how to add a new element to a list in Java (res.add(...));

  • Note how to use Arrays.asList() to create a list from an array;

  • Difference of post-increment and pre-increment (++i and i++);

  • Difference between array and list in Java (List<Integer> and int[])?

3Sum Closest



class Solution {
    public int threeSumClosest(int[] nums, int target) {
        int diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length && diff != 0; i++) {
            int low = i + 1, high = nums.length - 1;
            while (low < high) {
                int sum = nums[i] + nums[low] + nums[high];
                if (Math.abs(target - sum) < Math.abs(diff)) {
                    diff = target - sum;
                if (sum < target) {
                } else {
        return target - diff;
  • Time complexity: O(n^2);

  • Two pointers;

  • Integer.MAX_VALUE is the largest integer in Java;

  • Math.abs() is the absolute value of a number;

Product of Array Except Self



class Solution:
    def productExceptSelf(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        length = len(nums)
        LP, RP = [0] * length, [0] * length
        LP[0] = 1
        for i in range(1, length):
            LP[i] = LP[i-1] * nums[i-1]
        RP[length-1] = 1
        for i in range(length-2, -1, -1):
            RP[i] = RP[i+1] * nums[i+1]
        results = [0] * length
        for i in range(length):
            results[i] = LP[i] * RP[i]
        return results
class Solution {
    public int[] productExceptSelf(int[] nums) {
        int n = nums.length;
        int[] leftProduct = new int[n];
        int[] rightProduct = new int[n];
        int[] finalProduct = new int[n];
        leftProduct[0] = 1;
        rightProduct[n-1] = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            leftProduct[i] = leftProduct[i-1] * nums[i-1];
        for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
            rightProduct[i] = rightProduct[i+1] * nums[i+1];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            finalProduct[i] = leftProduct[i] * rightProduct[i];
        return finalProduct;
  • Time complexity: O(n);

  • Space complexity: O(n);

Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies



class Solution:
    def kidsWithCandies(self, candies: List[int], extraCandies: int) -> List[bool]:
        maxCandy = max(candies)
        nKids = len(candies)
        results = [False] * nKids
        for i in range(nKids):
            if candies[i] + extraCandies >= maxCandy:
                results[i] = True
        return results
  • Time complexity: O(n);

  • Space complexity: O(n).

Increasing Triplet Subsequence



class Solution:
    def increasingTriplet(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        first_num = float("inf")
        second_num = float("inf")
        for n in nums:
            if n <= first_num:
                first_num = n
            elif n <= second_num:
                second_num = n
                return True
        return False
  • Time complexity: O(n);

  • Space complexity: O(1).

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